Friday, May 13, 2011

It’s Simply a Mess !

Not to go into deep introduction, It makes me feel bad when I blindly trust some powerful people and find facts that those people are lost, un powerful and …uselss !

I’ve been working as telecom engineer for a company for almost four years now, where I proved an excellent performance and having excellent knowledge in wherever projects I’ve been involved. For a certain conditions this company was acquired by another and bigger company,  and I should admit that I started that time to look for some opportunities here and there, and yes I got very good chances and offers in that time. I have been always trusting our beloved management, where big promises and commitments started from management in order not leave and wait till the acquisition completes and this will enhace all the team suituation (engineers and managment) and then the excellent contractors engineers –same to my level- will get the biggest chances and will grow in the new company.

Acquisition is completed now, our management are busy with their grades and positions, doing useless meeting and orientation and guess what ? Till now I was not introduced properly to the new company ! and as contractor I was given a name external ! no one knows about the future, scope even about the new structure.

I Started to feel that I took the wrong decision where I put the trust on those lost people, and I would say it now, unfortunately I took the wrong decision .

I’m sure one day I will be promoted for my performance, I do believe in my ability and skills…And I’m sure I will get what I’m looking because talented and good people simply deserve the suceess !

Cheers !

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