Saturday, May 28, 2011

Good bye Juicy .

Today is the day where our loyal housemaid is leaving our house and travelling back to her country after serving us for almost four years.

This occasion reminded me four years back, when I was about to graduate from university and about to start my new career and work life. I would call it the tired life : )

Four years passed quickly, I just remembered that day when I opened the door and welcomed her to come in, and now we will stand in front of the door sadly to say goodbye and wish her the best of luck.

It happened in the past with other housemaids served us, but this time I feel it is different and that pushed me to write this blog. With sad feelings we all wish her happy life and hopefully she will come back in our house after two years. I hope by that time I will be writing a blog “ Welcome Back Juicy” : )

The normal consequence now is to wait for some days till sadness leaves our hearts…and life continues.

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