Thursday, June 7, 2012

Work Load in Week End

So, Week end is almost here, I’m writing this from Dubai during my business visit for KNETCO – Etisalat Project, and still long way to go to finish all the works and tackle the issues with the most strange customer ever; ETISALAT !

Let’s see where we will be ending after the all this efforts, at least I need to see some fruits at the end.

Well, to be honest that was not the reason to push me to write this post, it’s missing my soul mate as it’s the first week end after our marriage that I spend far away from her. What can be better than that, staying far from people I love along with more work load and pressure !

Alhamdulelah for everything !!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome Back.

After ages I'm trying to write again and on regular basis, let's see this time how far we can fly !